Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Feeling Good, or Fulfilling God's Purpose?

This is a spin off of Ryan's sermon from this past Sunday...

You see I sat through that service twice. I listened intently twice. I went up for prayer also...but my eye is still cloudy. My vision is not yet clear. Though all these distractions had been addressed, twice, I had not yet applied this truth. the weeds in my heart seem to have already overtaken this word from the Lord!!!

Looks like I need heart surgery. I need to get deep in the garden of my heart and violently begin pulling out the weeds Satan has planted. He throws seeds daily! No wonder the word says Guard your heart with ALL diligence, for from it spring the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23).

I must daily violently pull these things up before they can take root. I am also coveting the prayers of my sisters in the body! For the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous [wo]man avails much! (James 5:16)

Things in my heart had begun to cloud my view

Matthew 6: 21-23 proclaims,
The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light.

But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!

This passage is wedged right between the passage of the week (about storing up treasures) and the passage about serving God or money! These verses show me that earthly treasures and money cloud or view. They block us from seeing clearly! Have you ever woken up and had blurry vision? You can't see where to turn on the lamp, and even then the light in the room is dim!

Satan knows "If I can get the minister of the gospel distracted for long enough, they will forget their TRUE purpose!" The one thing they are ALL called to do- that is to represent Christ, reconcile people to Him, show that He is lovingkind and gracious! If I keep them clouded with the love of money and all that comes with it, they will not see the world clearly as God sees it...

What makes this so easy for him is that so many of our Christian Leaders, especially the popular ones began teaching that "God wants you to have money and lots of it" , "God is fulfilling His promise when he gives you status and elevates YOU!" The focus has become us and not Him or His work through us!

Now that we realize this, we can no longer blame them- it is for us to pluck the weeds, go deep in the garden of your own heart and remove the junk!

What clouds your eyes daily?

What is bringing in shadows of darkness on what you should be doing?

Can you see? Is your vision clear today?

Be thou my vision, Lord!

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